Mary Knapp

Research Scientist

Curriculum vitae

Haystack Observatory


99 Millstone Rd.
Westford, MA


The AERO-VISTA mission is composed of an identical pair of 6U CubeSats.  These CubeSats carry a novel vector sensor antenna that will be used to map the Earth's auroral radio emission at low frequencies (400 kHz - 5 MHz).  AERO-VISTA will fly in a sun synchronous orbit (SSO) between 450 and 600 km, allowing the spacecraft to observe the north and south auroral zones every orbit.
CAD model of one AERO-VISTA spacecraft with deployed vector sensor antenna.


Sensitivity of an Electromagnetic Vector Sensor

Ekaterina Kononov, Mary Knapp, Alexander Morris, Frank Lind, Frank Robey, Kerri Cahoy

IEEE Aerospace Conference, IEEE, Big Sky, MT USA, 2024 Mar

Development of the Deployable HF Vector Sensor for the AERO-VISTA Spacecraft

Mark Silver, Alai Lopez, Daniel Howe, Erik Thompson, Alexander Morris, Alan Fenn, Mary Knapp, Philip Erickson, Frank Lind, Lenny Paritsky, Rebecca Masterson, Kristen Ammons, Nicholas Belsten, Ekaterina Kononov, Cadence Payne

IEEE Aerospace Conference, IEEE, Big Sky, MT USA, 2024 Mar

HF Vector Sensor for Radio Astronomy: Ground Testing Results

Mary Knapp, Ryan Volz, Frank D. Lind, Frank C. Robey, Alan Fenn, Kerry Johnson, Mark Silver, Alex Morris, Sarah Klein

Proc. AIAA SPACE, 2016, p. 5498

Vector antenna and maximum likelihood imaging for radio astronomy

Mary Knapp, Frank Robey, Ryan Volz, Frank Lind, Alan Fenn, Alex Morris, Mark Silver, Sarah Klein, Sara Seager

IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings, 2016 Mar


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