Mary Knapp

Research Scientist

Curriculum vitae

Haystack Observatory


99 Millstone Rd.
Westford, MA


ASTERIA was a 6U CubeSat built by NASA JPL that operated from November 2017 through December 2019.  ASTERIA's payload was a 6 cm optical telescope which demonstrated high precision photometry via two-stage precision pointing control.


Demonstrating High-precision Photometry with a CubeSat: ASTERIA Observations of 55 Cancri e

Mary Knapp, Sara Seager, Brice-Olivier Demory, Akshata Krishnamurthy, Matthew W. Smith, Christopher M. Pong, Vanessa P. Bailey, Amanda Donner, Peter Di Pasquale, Brian Campuzano, Colin Smith, Jason Luu, Alessandra Babuscia, Robert L. Bocchino Jr., Jessica Loveland, Cody Colley, Tobias Gedenk, Tejas Kulkarni, Kyle Hughes, Mary White, Joel Krajewski, Lorraine Fesq

The Astronomical Journal, vol. 160(1), 2020, p. 23


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